Color Scheme
There are 15 possible color schemes for Natalias. They all have an equal chance of occuring. Below is a breakdown of all the possibilities for Color Scheme:
Name | Chance | Preview |
Salad | 6.67% | |
Black | 6.67% | |
Ocean | 6.67% | |
Bloodbath | 6.67% | |
White Stripes | 6.67% | |
Blue Stripes | 6.67% | |
Shogun | 6.67% | |
Mondo | 6.67% | |
Professional | 6.67% | |
Playground | 6.67% | |
Sahara | 6.67% | |
Candy | 6.67% | |
Chill | 6.67% | |
Smoothie | 6.67% | |
Rainbro | 6.67% |
Last updated